Circular threads: pioneering sustainable textile innovation

The cycle of changes: textile industry

This year, we have introduced a summer series called "The cycle of changes," in which we aim to showcase some of the most innovative startups within the circular economy. Over the years, the Green Alley Award has served as a crucial platform for promoting the circular economy, bringing together like-minded individuals to interact and contribute towards building a better future.

In our society, numerous significant topics demand our attention, but today, we wish to raise awareness about fast fashion, a business model that heavily relies on mass production, high sales volumes, and low prices. Customers are enticed with styles resembling those seen in high-end fashion shows, and these inexpensive garments are often supplied by multinational retail chains. However, this apparent luxury comes at the cost of lower quality materials and inadequate working conditions for laborers. Fast fashion perpetually churns out new styles to meet consumer demands.

Upon reviewing last year's finalists, it is evident that the fashion and textile industry is increasingly becoming a focal point of the Circular Economy. Some of our finalists are actively working on solutions to make this industry branch more circular, addressing its sustainability challenges.

This English startup is driven by a clear mission: to eliminate textile waste by diverting it from landfills and incineration through innovative technology. Their groundbreaking solution involves unlocking the true value of circular textiles, thereby creating a new textile-to-textile recycling market that can rapidly scale.

If you're interested in learning more about their inspiring efforts and contributions to sustainable practices, click here to read more about them.

The Austrian startup aims at liberating the textile industry from plastic dependency and help companies break free from petrochemicals. They are pioneering groundbreaking deep tech solutions that recycle waste and transform it into sustainable alternatives. These eco-friendly alternatives are used to produce biobased performance fibres, offering a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to textile manufacturing. Notably, the startup specializes in creating hydrophobic materials entirely made of cellulose, further enhancing the range of sustainable options available to the industry. To know more about the startup, click here.

We, in our society, have ways to prevent textile waste. Here are some tips on how to prevent it:

  • Got a hole in your jeans or sweater? With creative mendingyou can repair your clothes and give them an individual twist.
  • Turn to vintage and second-hand alternatives. By buying second-hand clothes you don’t contribute to the fast fashion circle but give clothes that already exist a second value. Read all about this fashion trend on Green Alley Award partner positive news.
  • Do you still want something shiny and new? Then turn to the advocadostore: A retail platform where only producers can present their products which fulfil ten sustainability criteria.

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