Looking back at 2020

The end of the year is a good time for reflection. When we’re busy in our everyday lives, we often don’t find the time to stop and reflect about our actions. So, why not use the more quiet days at the end of the year, to look back, take stock and let Révue happen. It is the ideal time to think about the things that went well and the things that could have gone better. It might be an opportunity to honestly ask yourself about the things that you’ve learnt in the past months and maybe even to have a glimpse at the year ahead.

What do you need?

Take a quiet moment for yourself and make sure not to be disturbed for a couple of hours. Think about the medium you would like to use for your review. Some people enjoy visualizing things with paint or pictures for example by making a mood board or a collage. Others like to do charts and there are also people who work best with excel or power point. Figure out whatever suits you.

There are a couple of questions that might help you reflect on the events of the past year. Pick the ones that resonate the most with you. Whichever method you choose, try to find honest answers to the questions listed below. You can also divide your life into different parts or sections, e.g work/career, relationships, family, hobbies, health and personal development and then answer those questions for each of those parts respectively.

# 28 Questions about the last year

  1. Was there a first time in your life during the year? Did you do something for the first time?
  2. Which abilities, skills or knowledge did you acquire that you did not have a year ago?
  3. What are your Top 5 of 2020?
  4. Did you make an experience that has changed your view of the world or had a lasting effect on it?
  5. Which farewell or separation did you find difficult?
  6. Which person did you meet who (has) particularly enriched your life?
  7. What was your biggest disappointment? And in retrospect, are there positive things you can see now?
  8. What would you not have believed if someone had predicted this to you a year ago?
  9. Did you care for yourself? What have you done for your physical and mental health?
  10. Who or what was the biggest surprise for you?
  11. What were you wrong about, who were you wrong about?
  12. What hurt you, what made you especially sad, angry?
  13. Which decision was difficult for you? Which good decision did you make?
  14. What was the greatest physical, what was the greatest psychological challenge? What burdened you the most?
  15. Who or what made you laugh heartily? When was the last time you really laughed?
  16. When and why did you feel especially loved?
  17. Which personal wish has been fulfilled, which goal have you reached? Or maybe even several?
  18. Have you gained a friend or a girlfriend? If so, who?
  19. What would you no longer do?
  20. Which book, which reading, which work impressed you the most?
  21. What has changed for the better?
  22. What didn't work out the way you imagined/desired/expected?
  23. What have you achieved, what achievement are you proud of?
  24. What unusual compliment did you receive?
  25. With what or with whom did you spend too little time?
  26. Which problems did you leave behind, which have been solved?
  27. What worries and fears did you have that turned out to be unfounded?
  28. For what are you particularly grateful?

# The 6-hats method

This method by Edward de Bono was originally developed for business meetings, but can also be used for evaluations, project planning and a review. With the 6-hats method you look at your past year from 6 different perspectives. You visualize yourself putting on 6 different hats that represent 6 different perspectives/ways of looking at things.

White hat: pure facts. How much money did you earn? How many books did you read, how many pages did you write? How many friends did you meet? How was your mood, your energy level? How many times did you exercise? Be careful to only give factual information.

Red hat: emotions and intuition. Which feelings do you have when looking at the past year?

Black hat: Now you may be the world’s most negative person. What was really bad? Why exactly? And what could you do to prevent that in the future.

Yellow hat: Now you can be the world’s most positive person. What did you manage to do really well? What are the things that you are proud of and how did you achieve these successes?

Green hat: Creativity. Did you do something really creative, crazy and spontaneous last year? Do you have any unusual ideas for next year? Outside the box thinking is allowed and wanted!

Blue hat: The big picture. Now consider all the different hats. Is there one hat that stands out? What is your overall impression of the past year?

You have learned enough from all hats to plan your next year! Use your found strengths, the crazy ideas and consider your mistakes and weaknesses. Consider your emotions and have a look at your plans from a positive and negative perspective.