Looking for the best circular business idea 2023

Today starts the application phase for the next Green Alley Award 2023! For the ninth time Landbell Group invites all promising European Circular Economy startups to take part in the competition to win €25,000. Since the first award in 2014, we have received over 1,300 applications from more than 30 European countries and had 48 successful finalists.

Why do we love Circular Economy Startups?

Climate change has never been more visible than it has become recently: From floods, over massive droughts, water shortages, to melting glaciers – we are directly affected by our transforming environment. It is our responsibility to counteract these developments. But how? Everyone can do their part and adapt their behaviour and consumption accordingly, but the economy remains a crucial factor.

Landbell Group, as an international supplier of service and consulting solutions for environmental and chemical compliance, has recognized the need for transforming our linear economic system to a carbon-neutral and fully circular one. To achieve this, we are in need for sustainable, circular innovations!

To support these innovations, which decisively contribute to preserving our planet, Landbell came up with the Green Alley Award. Being close to startups in this field makes us stay in touch with recent innovations and developments.

Startups, this is your time to shine!

So, if you are a European circular economy startup that has either developed a great recycling or waste prevention innovation or a digital solution plus you are not older than 5 years: APPLY!

Landbell Group has long experience in the circular economy, which is why participating is not only your chance to win 25,000 Euros, but also to receive valuable advice from our circular economy and startup experts and to attain recognition in the sector.

Apply until 21st November 2022 via this form.

How Circular Economy enthusiasts can get involved:

If you don’t happen to be a startup founder, but are still interested in the circular economy and curious about the latest trends in this field, these are your ways to get involved:

First of all, feel free to share our call for applications with your network to make more potential applicants aware of the opportunity. Second, you can make your voice count and vote for your favorite Top 20 startup from 23rd January – 20th February. Last but not least, attend the award ceremony on April 27th live in Berlin – we will inform you as soon as registrations open.

Until then, stay tuned and follow us on our news section and LinkedIn channel for updates and additional information!