The Green Alley Award finalists 2019

We are proud to announce the Green Alley Award 2019 finalists! Out of 274 applications an expert committee chose six exciting circular economy startups. Our finalists are from Germany, Spain, Denmark, Estonia and France. Each of the startup developed a business solution in the field of waste prevention, packaging and digital technologies, using their energy to turn the linear into a circular economy. Say hello to the Green Alley Award finalists:

The Green Alley Award finalists 2019

Cellugy (Denmark): The Danish startup has come up with EcoFLEXY, a 100% bio-based alternative to conventional plastic packaging. Made from agricultural waste, the cellulose foil can break down into fertile compost and is resistant to water and temperature changes. The translucent and flexible bio-sheets are eco-friendly and suitable for the food industry.

Flustix (Germany): Flustix, a startup from Germany, has invented a consumer trustmark to increase transparency and raise awareness amongst consumers. Differently coloured trustmarks indicate whether products and/or packaging are free of plastics and microplastics or are made of recyclates. Producers that want their products to be certified have to pass a thorough examination by an independent certification body.

Gelatex (Estonia): The Estonian startup has created an eco-friendly alternative to conventional leather using gelatine derived from the low value waste of the meat and leather industries. The material is produced without the use of toxins and comes at half the price. Better still, it is organic and biodegradable which makes it attractive for the fashion and automotive industries.

LivingPackets (France): The startup, based in France, has developed a sustainable packaging solution for online deliveries. “The Box” is an alternative to conventional cardboard boxes and can be reused approximately 1,000 times.  Thanks to a built-in camera and scale, The Box can charge delivery fees automatically and it comes with an app which makes tracking possible and offers the opportunity to schedule a pick-up time.

RMF Tech (Germany): The German startup has developed a recycling technology to extract the critical material indium from residues. Indium is needed in the technology and energy industries for the production of displays, LEDs and photovoltaic cells. With RMF Tech’s patented technology, indium can be extracted from primary sources (slag and ore) and secondary sources (electronical waste) to meet rising global demand.

VEnvirotech (Spain): Spanish biotechnology startup VEnvirotech creates polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) bioplastics using bacteria. The bacteria are fed with organic waste from agricultural food companies, making their bioplastic 100% bio-based. The whole process takes place in a container that can be set up at clients’ facilities. The bioplastic can then be used for packaging, biomedicine, adhesives or 3D printing.