WOW – 226 Applications!

Applications for the Green Alley Award 2023 are closed now but…

…a whole world of new innovations for the circular economy is going to open now! 226 startups from all over Europe have now the chance to be selected for the Top20 that is going into a public vote in January next year.

In the meantime, we will be busy analysing the business models, waste streams, countries and hot topics of this year’s cohort and soon share this information here.

Now it's time to say THANK YOU!

Our whole team is flashed by this record-breaking number which is an increase of 26% compared to last year!

Thanks to all the startups for their contribution and their believe that we can make the world go circular together!

Thanks to our partners and everyone who has reached out to their network and has helped our startup competition get so many great applications!